Pricing & FAQ

Here you will find answers to questions you may have concerning the usage of this website.

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Everyone is welcome to take an online course with us at Tech Sisi. We do not discriminate or offer our service to only a certain group of people. Everyone around the world can take our courses.

  1. Register in the website here:
  2. Login into your dashboard.
  3. Goto the courses section and purchase a course (if you have not done so already.)
  4. Head back to your dashboard and look for Enrolled Courses. There you will find your course and have access to it.

Some courses needs you to have some basic tools and gadgets like a smartphone and/or a PC. And the language we teach with is English Language.

Yes certainly! You can take more than one course as far as you can manage your time well to attend fully to the courses.

Either you try again or you contact us to help you out. Head over to the contact page and reach out to us.

Yes! Online learning is a wonderful way to learn in this age.

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